Monday, November 16, 2009

Lupus FOG

I walk into the kitchen with the intention of grabbing something and returning to my room. Something? Something...hmmm. I have no clue why I came in here so I sit and wait. I don't even try to remember because that would only frustrate me. It'll come to me, or it won't. Not a big deal most times. I eventually remember what I wanted was a yogurt so I grab it and am on my way. This is Lupus Fog.

The most serious example of Lupus Fog that I have had could have been deadly. I wanted to make lasagna for dinner but I had a support group meeting to get to. I turned on the oven and got sidetracked talking to my mother, I asked my boyfriend a question, then I got into my car and drove away. Three hours later I pulled into my driveway, turned off the car, walked into the house and realized I'd never turned the oven off. The smell of gas was strong. Three hours. I have a houseful of pets and a boyfriend who was on the computer that whole time. They could have died if one little thing had been different. Three hours. I still shake my head in disbelief at that one.

I always had a great memory and that came in handy for school exams. It was as if I had a rolodex in my brain instantly recalling a person's name, address, telephone number, birthday. Now I forget someone's name not 10 minutes after speaking to them. Usually the lupus fog affects me in small goofy ways. I have found letters in the freezer, the remote in the fridge, the phone in the fridge. I tell the same person the same story over and over. Not all of us Lupies get this foggy brain. I have heard that some Lupus patients have their brains affected by the illness with serious complications like seizures and psychosis and mild symptoms like memory problems. I didn't think that I would be one of them but as I have found out, Lupus does not discriminate.

I wonder, is there a medicine that can be taken to treat this symptom? Does it get worse during disease flares and improve during remission? What clears the fog? Does Lupus fog ever disappear? I have so many questions...but once again the fatigue is winning its daily battle of my energy. I have none and I need to rest now.

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